Online Photography EDUCATION

Your photography JOURNEY, supported every step of the way!

Woman Wearing Red Shirt Holding Camera Up Taking Photo

Whether you're passionate about art or considering photography as a career, the more you learn, the more there is to discover.

It can feel both inspiring and overwhelming—even for pros!

The good news is creating better photos doesn’t have to be daunting—it’s all about taking the right next steps. Find the course that fits your journey below.

COMPOSITION & COLOR to Create Stand-Out Images


Collage of What's Included in Course

Does it feel like your photos are missing that wow factor? Do you struggle to create dynamic compositions or make colors pop the way you envision?

This course will transform the way you see and photograph, giving you the tools to create vibrant, compelling images—even in the most ordinary locations.

+ Achieve composition techniques that instantly elevate your photos
+ Harness the power of color to create visually striking images
+ Develop an artistic eye so you can confidently create in any setting
+ Stand out from the crowd with images that grab attention & tell a story

This course is designed for photographers ready to level up—whether you're just starting out or refining your skills to attract more clients.


Profitable Model Calls, Made EASY

Laptop Graphic with Mockup of Profitable Model Calls Made Easy

Your step-by-step guide to booking, organizing, and maximizing model calls—without the stress.

In just one weekend, you’ll learn how to attract the right people, organize and book your model call, and turn model calls into PROFITS.

Perfect for photographers looking to build their portfolio and business with ease.


More of a one-on-one learner?

Are ready to take your business and your craft to the next level, but not sure where to begin? 

I’ve been through the process of growing a photography practice into a business… into a profitable business (one that still leaves me enough time to hang out with my kids).

If you feel a little stuck figuring out which steps to take next in your journey as a photographer, you shouldn’t have to go it alone. I’m here to help.

There are a limited number of 1:1 mentorships available each quarter.

Woman in Red Leather Jacket Smiling and Holding Camera
Woman Sitting at Outdoor Bistro Looking at Phone

in person Kids / teen Classes

DISCOVERING Digital Photography

Young Girl Wearing Blue Holding Camera

Your kids are creative, smart, and curious - they can be ANYTHING they want to be…

And at Photo Camp, they become PHOTOGRAPHERS.

Over the course of one week, your student can get their hands busy, learn valuable STEAM skills (and care handling DSLRs), and feel empowered to trust their creativity.

Kids photo camp happens twice every summer. It’s also available for your school to book as an after-school program.

Graphic of Discovering Digital Photography Workbook